Thursday, January 06, 2011

Long drives in the country

Thought to ponder for today:

One secret to small town success: our long drives.
8 hour drive for me = a bunch of moving car photos. S of Canyon TX.

When we make the long drive back from a meeting or conference in a group, we spend the time brainstorming and planning together. When we drive back alone, we're dreaming and coming up with plans. People with short drives home don't have that built-in time to process what they've learned.

Note: a long drive in the urban traffic is not an adequate substitute.

Why is this?

"It's the open air, the trees speak to us," John Haydon said.

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  1. I like short posts.
    I like short posts that say something.
    This one is a dandy.
    It is eloquent, poetic, and personal - personal not just to the writer, but to the reader who is identifying with the experience (that'd be me :-)
    You put me back behind the wheel on the long drive from Hooker to Bartlesville-lots of open air, trees, and speeches from the very land...
