My grandmother gave me this rolling pin. She said it should be handed down, youngest daughter to youngest daughter. From the other side of the family, from my mother's side, is a diamond that is passed to the oldest daughter. Oldest daughter = diamonds. Youngest daughter = rolling pin.
Mable was the youngest daughter, one of 13 children, born in 1919. When she was young, the cherry tree in their farm yard was struck by lightning. Her father was a carpenter, always making things with wood. He asked her to help him make this rolling pin from that cherry wood, and then he gave it to her. And she gave it to me.
I used it today to make biscuits.
And someday, I will pass the rolling pin on to another youngest daughter. It's not a diamond, but it's handier in the kitchen.
It's a real thing of beauty Becky, thanks for sharing the story