I write because my grandmother, Ola Mae Hendricks, taught reading. She taught me, or helped me teach myself, long before I headed to pre-school. She helped me become a voracious reader. If writing comes naturally to me now, it's because of the groundwork my grandmother laid decades ago.
I write to accomplish my mission:
I help small town business people prosper so they can help their towns prosper.
I write. As far as I know, I always have.
Thanks, Des Walsh, for tagging me in this old-fashioned blog meme or blog hop. Here are other people who are sharing their own "Why I write."
Susan Foster, who more or less start this meme on Why I Write
Des Walsh, who tagged me in his piece, Why I Write - Then and Now
Sheila Scarborough, my friend and a ridiculously good writer, with What am I doing here? Why I write
And I invite you to answer this question on your own site. Why do you write?
I'm officially tagging and therefore personally inviting these friends:
- Jon Swanson, who writes most often at 300 Words a Day
- Leslie McLellan, who writes for herself at Just a Small Town Girl
- Miss Dazey, who writes at Miss Dazey's Notes (though she's on break right now.)
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